veryone thinks their major is the best major, but even within the business major there are rivaling concentrations, tracks, or focuses depending on your school. The four main business concentrations are: econ, finance, management, and marketing. So regardless of what your area of schooling is, there will be great topical memes to follow! A little something to relax in the midst of the end of semester stress. What you can expect are  laughs, smiles, and good vibes!

Something that describes the management concentration little too well

What your friends think you do looks something like the wine and dine found in the Wolf of Wall Street all of course conveniently paid by a company card. Mothers, the dolls that they are, imagine taking big business trips on private jet or at least first class because big shot project managers only have the best of the best. Your boss however has slightly more manageable- no pun intended- expectations of meetings in conferences rooms.

Society has always been so generous with their perceptions of people, they imagine a stereotypical casual golf meeting at an upscale golf resort or country club. Of course, project managers see themselves as the leader of the people- who else would shape the team up to get the work done? In reality of course it’s very stressful managing all the numerous people, tasks to get done, the nine thousand emails, and even more calls, and goodness knows whatever else just pops up. The workload is almost never-ending because once one project ends another one starts. The cycle can be daunting, but in the end worth it if not for the gratitude of doing something or at very least the salary that keeps your bills paid.

Having to give out the real advice about guys and girls

Having to give out this handy dandy piece of dating advice to pretty much everyone. Not that people who can’t read financial statements aren’t nice, but it’s useful to have a to S.O. to help plan finances with. Besides it reps credit to everyone in your major, and furthermore you. The second best way into anyone’s heart is seeking financial stability. The first of course is food, but with a little extra cash from that business savvy means a little extra food to further your dating life.  

When your college friend’s business starts taking off and you’re considering investing.

In the business major it’s not uncommon to meet an entrepreneur. What is pretty rare is when their business is getting some serious revenue. Then you have to consider whether or not you should make them offer and for how much to try and get a piece of the action going. Besides being perfect, this meme uses John Haim as the main character, and his role in Mad Men makes this the perfect touch to this meme. Who doesn’t want to do business as well as Donald Draper? Well minus the serial cheating on the wife and the occasional gray morally ambiguous choices, but the success of Donald Draper is without a doubt astounding.

When the professors never make it easier….

As the great Cage the Elephant once said, “Oh, there ain't no rest for the wicked. Money doesn't grow on trees. I got bills to pay, I got mouths to feed, [and] ain't nothing in this world for free. I know I can't slow down. I can't hold back though you know I wish I could. No, there ain't no rest for the wicked until we close our eyes for good.” Which could be the anthem for any business major, because the grind is real when trying to get that degree. But, the professors truly do not make it easier. Although when have they made life a little easier? Online learning isn’t easy for everyone involved, but a little flexibility given the whole pandemic circumstances going one might be nice.

A little Excel humour between accounting students

Even though Venn diagrams aren’t the kind of visuals or graphs the average business major used to, this feeling can be familiar to all. The Microsoft Excel struggle can be all too real. While of course using Excel is great for spreadsheets, graphs, and general accounting needs, but the dreaded “not responding” message pop-up is the bane of the business majors. Besides, who among us doesn’t have crush struggles, haha. The solution to both problems is a little mix of practice, patience, and persistence.

Watching the stock market like

While the rest of America is Keeping up with the Kardashins, business majors have to keep up with the stock market like journalism majors keep up with news. The near-religious practice is a must to run in the business students' circles. When Amazon drops, Netflix rises, and what business took the biggest surges or flops they gotta know. One could say it’s their business to know. Pun fully intended.  

The many hats of being an econ major according to the different people in your life

Image courtesy of docsity.

Your friends think you are some kind of banker who counts money like they are Mr. Krabs. Parents think you’re still doing spreadsheets, strangely by hand. They must know how fed up with Excel you’ve gotten. Society wants you to be a fortune teller or genie to grant them a get rich quick wish. The government, well, they think you’re up something. What exactly changes from economists to economists? Students think they’re something close to explaining the lines and numbers of the economy in elegant manor like no one ever has before. Reality shows that you end up getting into friendly sparring matches with friends about trivial things like if it’s smart to invest in Equifax after their last blunder of losing a bunch of people's social security numbers. Sure, they’ve already taken a hit in stock prices, but will they bounce back in a way that will yield a good investment? Well ask another business major, they might have an opinion.

Justifying way to many things with opportunity cost

Image courtesy of docsity.

Opportunity cost is the cost of lost benefit from something enjoyable or that brings hope. So when you're thinking about attending a lecture or playing some hooky… well no one is surprised by what will win out. Unfortunately the sweat equity, the value of participation points earned, in this situation, from labor toward upkeep of the value of a good GPA doesn’t always hold the same allure as cost opportunity. Alas everything has it’s trade offs.

When you have to take a social media strategy class or get to this chapter of the book.

This is the social media section struggle. Being on the internet is a must for any thriving business which means it’s pretty much required curriculum content for business majors. Unfortunately engaging the audience, other brands, effectively using SEO, and learning google analytics is all no small feat. Social media is a whole other language which can often require a lot online socializing with others. This is not necessarily ideal for the average business major especially after they’ve taken some business writing classes. Memos and business proposals are not known for their razzle dazzle or word pizzazz.

A fun addition to the last meme about the social media struggle for business majors

The front two gals represent a communications major and the graphic design major. The well dressed lady hiding in the back behind her drink is of course the business majors. Business majors are always dressed to impress, they tend to like staying behind the scenes of the public light. Besides, taking a picture can be a mildly unpleasant experience for the unphotogenic people in the world.

When the holiday stress overlaps with the end of semester crunch to make a new kind of chaotic stress

For everyone else December marks the  beginning of the holiday season. For students December is a less than ideal scenario with a pile of work to do. Between the last minute assignments, presentations, procrastinated papers, the final tests before the additional final exam. Not to mention getting your dorm packed up for your brief stint at home for winter break.  It’s enough to create anxiety just by thinking about it. Somehow, someway, students always manage to press on through and still have a little bit of time to enjoy the winter holidays. Even if it feels like you’ve studied so much you have forgotten everything else but course content including your name.

Hopefully these college memes have resonated or even bring a little smile to your face during the chaotic end of semester scramble. If you’re in econ, marketing, management, and accounting or just general business major hopefully you find something that reminds you of yourself or maybe even a few of your major.

Jan 8, 2021