ometimes adulting is like trying to build a house of cards on a windy day. It’s hard, doesn’t work, and can often feel unfruitful. However, when you succeed, the brief victory is l worth it. If today is one of those days where you feel your adulting has just gone all wrong or you just can't be an adult, check out a few of these hilarious adulting quotes to brighten up the day. 

When you realize your parents were just trying to prepare you for adulting

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One day you’re riding high bar hopping and enjoying youth then suddenly one night you decide to stay in. That’s all when it all changes and you realize the comfort of your own home isn’t so bad. Sure you have to make your own drinks, but it’s cheaper, warmer, and you don’t have to worry about looking like the oldie who leaves first. Also not having to get dressed, put on make-up, and do your hair is a really big perk of not going out. Let’s face it we are too old for all of it. 

When the caffeine no longer hits

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Becoming caffeine dependent is a near staple of adulthood. Sure the energy we should be getting from them seems to disappear into the void, but at least the caffeine intake will give us a small release of endorphins because not drinking ice coffee just isn’t an option. There are but few joys of adulting at times and avoiding crippling headaches should be done at all costs. 

Realizing you still don’t understand ...

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This adulting quote hits close to home when you realize we're supposed to know more by now somehow. At least in childhood you could always hope for clarity at an older age, but the older age has come and now there shouldn’t be a reason for you not to understand. So what is the deal with that? Maybe we need to be even older to understand? Perhaps, no one understands and this is just a small attempt to keep hope alive that we eventually will gain wisdom to understand even though it might not exist.

Knowing hydration is key

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This adulting quote really boils down the journey of serious adulting steps. When you’re a kid you think coffee is the adult drink because you watch your parents drink it in the morning. Then as a teen you think it’s alcohol because only adults 21 and over can drink it. Then you start drinking alcohol and you realize drinking water is not only the key to avoiding a crushing hangover. Then before you long it hits you that you get a lot of headaches and feel tired when you don’t drink water in general, and that is a milestone into adulthood. 

Having beef with the grocery store prices 

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This adulting quote stresses the importance of knowing your budget. This is how adults feel when their fruit of choice is no longer in season and it goes back to being the ungodly price it normally is. So the question becomes, is it worth it? No? Then they done lost their minds. 

This adulting quote is about knowing when to give up 

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Sometimes it’s just been too long since the last spelling test and vocabulary list. Besides who needs spell worcestershire on the regular anyway? Sometimes knowing when to take the L on trying words and just modifying your sentence around avoiding a hard to spell word entirely. Although fun adult hack, try using talk to text to see if you can get the word spelled for you.

An adulting quote to show life comes with a theme song

Image courtesy of HappyShappy.

Are there any other lyrics to that song? Just kidding, but the proportion of work to the rest of life balance is definitely a hard walk to time. Those bills unfortunately do not pay themselves and the car doesn’t put gas in itself either. At least “Work” by Rianna is a banger to help make adulting a little more bearable. 

The lifts of adulting perks

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This quote only includes the top five perks of adulthood. Please enjoy a few more adulting perks:

  •  A vague back pain that older adults are always telling you’re too young to have or know the “real meaning of”
  • Not being entirely sure of what the date is
  • Having to google slang and abbreviations to stay hip
  • Realizing that groceries are more expensive than that
  • Subsequently realizing that everything else is more expensive than you thought
  • Fruit goes bad quicker than expected
  • Being excited about your tax returns 

When adulting gets in the way of your best life

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Doing your job isn’t always the most intrinsically rewarding, but important to sustain your extensive and expensive luxury of living and a somewhat stable lifestyle. Although if you happen to land a field that you're passionate in you never work a day in your life. Then work may fortunately be a part of living your best life! 

Knowing when to call for help

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This adulting quote circles back to the idea you’ll understand when you get older. Sometimes you need good ol fashion adultier adult to help explain to you all the adulting things. For instance at what estimate cost should you consider getting a second mechanic’s opinion, figuring out how to do your taxes, or what kind of heating option is best to have in a house?

When adulting can feel more like gambling

Image courtesy of Geeksoncoffee.

Isn’t just a debit card like an advanced gift card your work deposits money in on a weekly or bi-weekly basis? Just with more complicated functions and less restrictions on where you can spend money. Even if that money mostly goes to rent every month there is definite thrill when you get the “payment accepted” pop up across the pin pad screen.

A quote on how to handle adulting problems

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Yes, specifically the phone for a few reasons. Phone allows you to easily switch between the same social media platforms when you take “breaks,” from your games. Most phone games can be easily paused or finished quickly in one off fashion allowing you to be able to ditch anytime without having to hit a save point. Also it’s easy to find a fun game you can kind of do mindlessly because of the repetition commonly found in them. 

Trying to keep a full adulting schedule balance

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Work, cook, dishes, laundry, vacuuming, dusting, exercise, hang out with friends, family obligations, taking care of pets, spending time with your SO, taking care of the kids, and taking care of yourself. It’s a hefty list to try to check off, but that’s what adulting demands sometimes. High school for sure did not prepare us for the rough curriculum of adulting.

Adulting quote reflecting on mistakes of youth

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Ah yes, another call back adulting quote alluding to needing an adultier adult to help you do something. Can you honestly remember when you thought 18 year-olds were responsible? Those fresh faced children don’t even know what is about to hit them, those poor young naive souls. Being your 20’s is still hardly any adulting experience at all. 30’s-40’s is when you can truly say you’ve put some adulting experience underneath your belt. 

For when the adulting just isn't taking

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This adulting quote is for when your adulting skills don’t match your adulting tasks. Some days are metaphorically like trying out a new recipe, realizing you don’t have all the ingredients, you burn dinner, and end up ordering out anyway. No matter how hard you try there are challenges you won’t understand off the bat and will struggle with for a long while. When this happens what you might need is to google it, ask an adultier adult for some advice, or even just an unconventional approach. Sometimes the adulitest answer isn’t the only answer. 

Adulting is about the small things

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Sometimes it’s the little things in life. Beating the drying at it’s sock stealing game can be the positive event to help perk up a day. There is no need to consider whether or not it’s time to throw out that one sock you’ve been looking for the match to only to have it turn up a little after you toss it. Just every sock with it’s perfect pair in a sweet moment serendipity. 

These 16 quotes made you laugh out loud or at least made you exhale through your nose a little; anything short of rolling on the floor laughing. After 25ish getting down on the ground is a risky task that will often involve needing help getting back up.

Dec 2, 2020