f you are currently looking for opportunities to boost your musical art and make people see how talented you are, we are here to give you several helpful pieces of advice. Promotional skills seem to be obligatory in this case, but the truth is – thanks to progress, you don’t have to become a full-blown SMM professional in addition to your creative profession.

Today anybody can use third party promotional services, one of them being a chance to buy Reverbnation fans, which can give you a trampoline to start off in online promotion. Social nets is the only place today to quickly find support, and RN is one of the websites that was made to make this path not that hard.

However, their inner tools that are claimed to be super helpful don’t always work as efficiently as people want them to. And this is when third party paid services can really come in handy. But what those even are and how do they work? Let’s figure it out together.

beginner musician looking at her instrument

How Third Party Services Work

Clearly enough, social media platforms (most of them) have built in tools for promo – and on RN there are some too, but you cannot get away from the inner competition amongst the talented musicians anyways. There are literally thousands of people who have already found their audience and their support, and even if your creative skills are on top, it is going to be extremely hard to get through that crowd of popular people. To help with that you can buy real Reverbnation fans and sufficiently cut on time which you would have to spend to find first followers who would assure random listeners of the fact that your stuff is worth listening to. We know this system is not fair, but it works exactly like this: to become popular, you first need to gain a circle of people who are going to be your proof of quality.

In case you have decided to use third party services you have to keep several important things in mind. First of all – you need exclusively real fans. No bots or fake pages as fans, this is a total red flag and we will tell you why. You see, each social media today has a pretty strict policy about dead pages, because these harm the quality time of real users who want to use these social media nets. So every time algorithms detect bots, the ban them, and if some real pages have too many interactions with bots – they shadow ban them. It means that your page is going to be downregulated in its activity and your content won’t be shown to potentially interested people.

beginner musicain practicing her instrument

What Else Helps?

If you want to speed up even more, you should definitely use cross-posting (tell about your music on other social media pages, upload the tracks if it is possible and let people use them for their videos), participate in offline and online events of all kinds, take all the chances that life gives you even though they seem insignificant or weird. And remember that in terms of social media the hardest and the most important thing is to keep the attention of the gained audience in place – and that can be possible only if you put enough efforts and time into maintaining your RN page’s well-being. Post regularly, be friendly, be open about your creative plans, and good luck!

Feb 13, 2022